Mr Sabir (“Ali”) has been a specialist litigation solicitor since 2005. He primarily practises in the fields of family law, immigration law and civil litigation.
He was in charge of the family law litigation department in a branch of a medium sized law firm in Edinburgh for several years. He is the founder of MBS Solicitors and established the firm in August 2010.
Ali has extensive experience of dealing with high value financial cases using either collaborative practice or, if appropriate, the Sheriff Court or the Court of Session working alongside experienced experts. He regularly appears in Courts all over Scotland in relation to high value divorce cases with both international and business aspects. He regularly advises on cohabitation, divorce, international child abductions and relocation matters.
Ali is regularly instructed in the First-Tier and Upper Tribunal (Immigration & Asylum Chamber) in Scotland, England and Northern Ireland. He has developed an excellent reputation for providing clear and pragmatic advice and being effective in courts.
Ali has a particular interest in “sham marriage” interview cases. He frequently provides representation to clients at Home Office interviews and regularly attends with his clients for such interviews all across the UK. Ali has written an extensive article for the Journal for the Law Society of Scotland headed “Sham Marriages v Sham Interviews”. This has proven to be both helpful and provides guidance to practitioners in the field of immigration law.
Ali’s wealth of experience on all things business and property related, his strong links to Edinburgh business, sense of humour and no-nonsense approach to dealing with issues on behalf of his clients – make him the first call for many in our area. Ali is the founder of MBS Solicitors and its longest serving solicitor.
Mohammed Sabir is listed as a Leading Lawyer by Wiselaw
150 – 152 Gorgie Road
Edinburgh EH11 2NT
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0131 337 4100
Fax: 0131 337 3200